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Under IBDLP, the Meghalaya Institute of Entrepreneurship (MIE) has been set up to facilitate rapid economic transformation, by imparting entrepreneurship education and promoting micro and small enterprises involving the youth, women and other critical target groups in the State. The Institute aims to be among the very best in the world in the area of entrepreneurship development and model entrepreneurial services, through creativity and innovation, application of skills and technological inputs for harnessing rich potential of sub sectors, with focus on agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, pisciculture, aromatic and medicinal plantations, animal husbandry and other locally viable, remunerative, and income generation activities.
The Institute of Entrepreneurship will coordinate and support the design and implementation of State Government’s Economic Reform Programme with emphasis on employment generation and inclusion. It will undertake action research, provide professional advice and conduct change management programmes for government departments and agencies to help them implement their reform agenda successfully. The Institute will work closely with policy-makers, management experts, institutions and other stakeholders, especially citizens towards ushering in an era of economic self-reliance in the state and the country as a whole.
The Institute of Governance has been set up as the focal institute in the state of Meghalaya to guide governance reforms in the state, by bringing together and blending the power of knowledge, technology and people for good governance. The Institute will strive to be among the very best in the world in the area of administrative initiatives, institutional reforms and multi-stakeholder partnership to foster growth-oriented and people-centred inclusive governance.
Conservation is the key to sustainable development. While Development involves the use of natural resources, conservation helps in ensuring sustainability of development for the present without foreclosing the options for future generations”. Meghalaya is endowed with vast natural resources and bio-diversity. However, there has been largely a bypass in the judicious use of natural resources and bio-diversity affecting sustained economic growth and development. The adverse effects are increasingly explicit in terms of increasing poverty, as nearly half of the population in the state is still below the poverty line. Sustainable development of natural resources in the given eco-system is very vital, as economic growth and long term sustainability cannot go hand in hand exploiting the natural resources-base, which has already started deteriorating.
Meghalaya, a hill state with hilly topography and receiving good amount of rainfall would encourage degradation and soil erosion if land resources are not protected, conserved and managed properly. Impaired soil health, siltation of water bodies, accelerated surface water runoff, etc further lead to decline in water and soil productivity. The measures for Climate Change Adaptation further call for a fresh approach toward appropriate natural resources planning and management. All of these warrant a holistic solution to the existing as well as to the emerging problems, which is the need of the hour. In this regard there is a strong need to equip man power with sufficient knowledge and skill in natural resources management who would be the natural resources managers and volunteers to disseminate information about the different aspects concerning natural resources protection and conservation for promoting multiple livelihoods for the different stakeholders and users, particularly the rural farming communities.
The proposed Institute of Natural Resource is an attempt to address the issues regarding sustainable natural resources use by strengthening the capacity of the concerned stakeholders particularly, the farmers and other entrepreneurs who are directly depending on the natural resources for earning their livelihoods. The Institute would facilitate the state of art information technology tools, remote sensing tools, GIS platform, Geo-spatial technology, Geographical Positioning System, etc. for evolving natural resource management plans by integrating new generation methods together with traditional conservation & knowledge.
The Institute of Natural Resources would also be the convergence platform where the line departments, such as, Soil and Water Conservation, Forest and Environment, Livestock, Fisheries, Agriculture, Horticulture, Sericulture & Weaving, Village and Khadi Industries and Rural Development form the key players. This Institute would facilitate integrated and co-ordinated support services for the line departments in the area of Capacity Building and Human Resource Development relating to management of natural resources for livelihood promotion under the different Missions.